Our guests, Jenny and Ross Keating
Jenny Keating (nee Le Page) first met Meher Baba in 1956 at Meher House in Sydney when she was two years old; then again in 1958 at Avatar’s Abode; and in 1962 in India at the East-West Gathering. She grew up in Meher House and knew the mandali, especially Mehera, Mani and Eruch as family. Francis was also like an uncle, living with the family off and on until his departure for India in 1959. From there he sent a lot of his early songs to Jenny’s mum Joan and along with Jenny’s sister Maree they were the first to learn them. A tape recording of Jenny singing along with Maree was heard by Baba in 1967 and again in 1968. Jenny now lives next door to Meher House with Ross and cares for the flower gardens around Meher House. She also oversees the preservation and documentation of her father, Bill Le Page’s archives. Jenny is a columnist for "All (Baba) Things Considered", the online series by Sheriar Books.
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